Middle Genicular Artery

The middle genicular artery is a deep blood vessel of the knee region. It originates from the anterior side of the popliteal artery, which in turn is the continuation of the femoral in the popliteal fossa. Then it extends forwards, piercing the capsule of the knee-joint, right above the oblique posterior ligament of the knee.

During its course the middle genicular artery sends small branches which supply the synovial membrane of the joint and the cruciate ligaments. The terminal branches of this oxygen-rich blood vessel anastomose with other secondary branches arising from the medial inferior genicular, the lateral inferior genicular, and sural artery, forming part of the arterial network that supply the knee region.

Below, a drawing of the posterior aspect of the right knee, showing the popliteal with its branches, which include the middle genicular artery.