Causes of Low Fertility in Males

The causes of low fertility in males are manifold. But before spelling out its main causes in modern times, it must be said that fertility has two biological components: a normal sperm count, between 15 and 16 million sperm cells per milliliter, and the right testosterone levels in the bloodstream, which lie between 400 and 700 ng/dL (where 'ng' stands for nanogram, and 'dL' for deciliter). With 23 chromosomes, a sperm cell impregnates an ovum; while testosterone gives you libido (sex drive), which is key in male erection and sperm production.

The main causes of low fertility in males are:

1) Alcohol consumption- The major metabolic byproduct of ethanol is acetaldehyde, which is extremely toxic and deleterious, damaging both Golgi apparatus and mitochondria of your body cells. Once in the bloodstream, acetaldehyde spread throughout your body tissues, activating aromatase, which is an enzyme that transform male hormone testosterone into the female one estrogen. This is the reason that alcoholic men have low testosterone levels in their bloodstream, usually lower than 300 ng/dL.

2) Constant high adrenaline (epinephrine) levels- This hormone is triggered into your bloodstream by stress (fear, sadness, anguish, anxiety, rage). When this happens, your testosterone levels drop sharply and your libido (the sex gunpowder) go away, and you do not feel like it and you would rather be left alone or need spiritual comfort.

3) A sedentary lifestyle- Since testosterone secretion is stimulated by skeletal muscle contraction, when you are physically idle, sitting at your desk all day long, chances are that your testosterone levels will be abnormally low. The larger the muscle volume that contracts during physical exertion, the more testosterone will be discharged into your bloodstream; hence the importance of working out. Also, two of the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are excess adrenaline and high sugar levels.

4) Diabetes- Both high glucose (sugar) and insulin levels are inflammatory to your body tissues, which include the artery endothelial layer (tunica intima), the seminiferous tubules, where sperm is produced, and the Leydig cells, which secrete testosterone.

5) Abnormal high temperatures- Both sperm cell production and testosterone secretion take place in the testes. The Leydig and the Sertoli cells function normally only at 34 and 34.4 degrees Celcius, which is slightly more than two degrees lower than the rest of your body temperature (36.5 degrees). This is the reason why the testes hang down out of the body. But if you wear tight and uncomfortable underwears, the testes temperatures might rise, which is not good. Also, if you work with fire, or stand near a fireplace everyday for many hours, you will become infertile.

6) Environmental chemicals- Tobacco nicotine and tar, gasoline lead, fluorinated compounds from pesticides, arsenic in water, among others, can also lead to low fertility rates in males.

7) Malnutrition- When you do not eat well in quantity and quality, you will end up being an anemic, protein-deficient, and immunodeficient man. Meat (especially beef), egg, and saturated fat are essentials for testosterone production. When you suffer from malnutrition, each one of your body system might get disrupted, including your endocrine system.

By Carlos B. Camacho


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