Horned Adder

The horned adder (Bitis caudalis) is a small-size venomous snake inhabiting the Kalahari region and its surrounding arid areas, Africa. It is easily recognized by the single horn set above each eye. Since it is an adder, the Bitis caudalis belongs to the family Viperidae. Although its glands secrete cytotoxic venom, it is mild and no human deaths have been reported as a consequence of its bite.

The adult horned adder measures between 25 and 35 cm in length. The color of its body varies from orange-brown in Kalahari to grey-olive in Karo and northern provinces, but in both cases the background color is blotched with dark spots and smaller white ones. It has a creamy white belly. Its triangular head has a darker ‘V’ shape on the crown.

The horned adder hunts lizards most of the time, and rodents. The female bears up to 27 young in the late summer each year.

Below, the Betis caudalis in its orange-brown variation.


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