The ketogenic diet is a diet based mostly on fat, and animal protein. Its food pyramid consists of 65% fat (either saturated or non-saturated), 20% meat (beef, pork, chicken, fish), and 0 (zero) carbs. Many people don't want to be on this diet because of the unreasonable, cultural prejudices against fat. They are afraid that saturated fat will occlude their arteries, without realizing that the fat and cholesterol we eat don't go straight as such into our blood vessels; the only way for them to go straight into our arteries would be by injecting them with a syringe into our bloodstream, and this is the only way saturated fat would then clog up our arteries.
People never stop to think that the saturated fat we eat must go first through our body refinery, which is the liver, to be refined into much smaller molecules called ketone bodies, which then go into our arteries, in the same way petroleum must go first through an industrial refinery to be converted into gasoline to be able to be used in our car engine. If we put petroleum straight into our car tank, it will quite sure occlude the small conduit that leads up to the car engine. Ketone bodies are so small that they are able to pass the blood-brain barrier, and if they are able to go through into our brain, then there is no way they can block our blood vessels. When our cells start using ketone bodies as fuel, then we are in a metabolic state called ketosis (don't confuse ketosis with ketoacidosis, which only occurs in type I diabetes).
Ketone bodies are the super refined high-octane fuel used by our neuron and muscle cell mitochondria to produce ATP. The advantage of ketone bodies over glucose is that these small molecules, which are the byproducts of saturated fat digestion, don't leave free radicals in the cell cytoplasm as glucose does. Thus, mitochondria runs much more efficiently on ketone bodies than when it uses glucose. High levels of sugar in our bloodstream is inflammatory and harmful for our body tissues, while ketone bodies are the other way around; anti-inflammatory.
The ketogenic diet is good for you, because it is the natural diet of mankind. It is the diet on which the human brain evolved to such size, with its thick cortex and fully developed fasciculi (the brain wiring). This diet will improve your memory, your mental clarity, and enhance your personality and physical fitness. Don't be afraid to embark on a ketogenic diet, for it will change your life for the better, as you will end up in the safe haven of good health, far away from the nightmare of metabolic diseases.